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Circular No: BASS- 14/22-23 Date: 30th Aug, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: – Wing Wise School Badges.
- It is to inform our worthy parents that BASS has four different wings Jinnah, Iqbal, Sir Syed & Liaquat at school to categorize of students for different curricular and co-curricular activities throughout the years.
- These wings strive for their dominance through strong participation and healthy competitions. To elevate their identity, we have introduced elegant school badges representing each wing for all classes OL I-Snr OL III. These badges are available at a price of 50/- from OL canteen w.e.f. Wednesday, 31st Aug, 2022. All the students are advised to first confirm their class teacher regarding their wing and then purchase their badges accordingly. Wearing of these badges will be mandatory.
- Submitted for your kind information please.
With Kind Regards,
Principal (OL)
(Syed Juniad Ali)
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