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Circular No: BASS- 05/21-22 Date: 27th Aug, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians, (علیکمملسلاا)
Subject:- Welcome Back Our Beloved Students – 6 Must Things to do To Safeguard Against Covid-19.
- With the latest decision of the Sindh government, all the physical classes of OL I to
Senior OL III will be starting from Monday, 30th Aug, 2021.
- Parents are requested to please ensure that your ward(s) comply with following 8 Must
Things to safeguard against Covid pandemic:-
- a. Wearing Face mask (Mandatory).
- b. Maintaining Social distance (in corridors/classrooms) as per signs displayed and guided by staff.
- Bringing own home-made lunch and water bottles. d. Frequent hand wash/use of hand sanitizers.
- e. School timing will be from 08:00 am to 01:55 However, students to report by
07:45 am onward. On Friday/Saturday classes will finish by 12:30 pm. Any student coming after 08:00 am will not be entertained and sent back to home, if found habitual.
- Students to attend school regularly with 50% strength on designated days as per respective groups such as:-
(1) First Group:- Monday – Wednesday – Friday
(2) Second Group:- Tuesday – Thursday – Saturday
- g. The kids should have an extra mask in their bags for emerge
- h. The parents/drivers/guardians to also please get vaccinated for safety of your ward(s)
and others.
- Your cooperation in this regard will highly be appreciated.
With Kind Regards, Principal (OL)
(Syed Junaid Ali)
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