- It is to inform our worthy parents that Government of Sindh has announced the Anti-Measles-Rubella Vaccination up Campaign 2021 for children of classes I to IX, (from 5 to 15 years of age) from 15th to 27th Nov, 2021 in all schools of Karachi as per letter bearing No-SO/SELD/CA/CW/467/2021 dated 23rd Sep, 2021 issued by Office of the School Education & Literacy Department. Vaccination shall be administered free through injection by Department of Health, Government of Sindh – expert doctors.
- Please send anti-measles vaccination card or its copy if you wards have got measles-rubella vaccinated. If your ward has not get vaccinated for measles-rubella yet then it is strongly recommended to have it done in school on given date e. 18th Nov, 2021.
- Kindly fill in the given consent slip with necessary particulars and return it to respective class teacher latest by Wednesday, 10th Nov, 2021.
- Vaccination for above mentioned disease will be administrated on Thursday, 18th Nov, 2021.
With Kind Regards,
BASS Management
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