Circular No. 08/22-23 Date: 27 th Aug, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: – Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) for Pick & Drop of Students.
1. We feel highly honored to welcome your child on getting promoted to next class/ joining our school.
We hope and pray that we meet your expectations of providing the best education/ learning environment for
development of his/her all round personality.
2. To ensure timely and safe arrival and departure of your child, some basic SOP has been laid down
for your compliance which is:-
a. Parents and van drivers will in person handover the child/children to respective class/section
Directress in the morning.
b. At school closing time van drivers will collect their van students from the ground floor play area
under the supervision of teachers and parents will collect their wards from the respective classes.
c. The designated Directress/teacher will make an entry in attendance register regarding both arrival
and departure of the child.
d. Van drivers will provide names of all children being dropped and collected to Admin Officer and
respective class Directress/teacher.
e. From safety point of view, the parents to provide 1- 2 names of their family real relation who will
collect their child on their behalf if required.
f. Children being young must be got collected maximum within half an hour of school last timings
instead to make them wait for longer time.
g. When changing van driver or deputing new person for pick and drop purpose, the necessary
particulars of that person be communicated to class teacher/ Directress immediately.
h. No car/ van to be brought/ parked in front of ME Main Gate rather parked at nearby open place
and child brought to school walking to avoid choking / congestion effect.
i. Parents needing any meeting with teacher to take time in advance to avoid his/ her inconvenience
or engaging teacher at dropping/ picking up time.
j. In case of any query or difficulty, please contact Senior Mistress (ME) Mrs. Hira Asif or Admin
Officer Mr. Danish Kazmi.
k. We to remember that clarity, care, timely coordination/ communication, discipline, patience,
mutual respect and high sense of responsibility are the golden principles for smooth, safe and
harmonious working.
3. May Allah Almighty keep us steadfast and in His special protection; Ameen.

With Kind Regards,

Head Mistress (ME)
(Mrs. Samina Ishrat)