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Circular No.BASS-107/22-23                                                                                                     Date: 2nd June, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)

Subject: – Semi Formal Black BATA Shoes – School Uniform at Nazeer Sons & Schools Corner.

  1. It is to remind our all worthy parents that BASS Management had introduced semi-formal/semi-joggers black BATA shoes, (article as mentioned below) as a regular part of BASS school uniform and since then it has been adopted by our students and parents alike.
S. No. BATA Shoes Article nos S. No. BATA Shoes Article nos
a. 351-6128 d. 351-6115
b. 451-6128 e. 121-6116
c. 451-6115 f. 121-6194
  1. However, it is observed with deep concern that some of the parents have yet not purchased the same shoes for their wards and these students come in old black shoes or different sports shoes. This practice distorts uniformity and is considered a violation of school’s rules and regulations.
  1. So all those parents who have still not purchased the above mentioned black BATA shoes for their wards, are once again reminded and requested to purchase the same from any BATA store outlet with some discount offered till 1st Aug, 2023.
  1. Beside, all school/sports uniforms are available at Nazeer Sons (in front of National Bank, Model Colony) & Schools Corner (near Hira Masjid, Kazimabad). Parents are encouraged to purchase uniform at affordable prices to bring more pride and uniformity among BASSians.
  1. Submitted for your kind cooperation and necessary compliance with.

With Kind Regards,


Principal (OL)

(Syed Junaid Ali)