Circular No: BASS- 62/20-21 Date: 22nd Feb, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: Reminder of Attendance Benchmark and Heavy School Bags.
- It is to remind our worthy parents that this is a crucial phase of studies as much time has already been wasted due to COVID-19 circumstances. Students just have to come for 3 days in a week while following SOPs. We all are trying to recover the academic losses occurred so far and heading towards Final Term examinations. Each schooling day is more important now than ever before. You are therefore very humbly requested to please ensure your ward attends school regularly, and meet the attendance benchmark i.e. 90% at all cost.
- It is also noticed that at times students bring extra books & notebooks every day other than the timetable set and their bags become that much heavy. Kindly ensure your ward(s) follows proper timetable and bring books and notebooks (copies) accordingly so they can easily carry their bags.
- Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated please.
With Kind Regards,
BASS Management
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