1. To refresh the minds and physical health of our young BASSians after a long pandemic situation, BASS Management has decided to arrange a recreational trip with all safety measures to ‘Wild Venture Water Park & Resort’ on Saturday, 29th Oct, 2022 for the classes (V-X) Girls Only. This trip will cost 1100/- to cater for lunch, transportation, water facilities etc. and the amount will be included in fee voucher of Nov, 2022.


  1. This trip would indeed be highly enjoyable and memorable for our young BASSians. All the students have shown keen interest/willingness to visit this place. Parents to please fill up willingness slip and return to the Class Teacher till Monday, 24th Oct, 2022. All security/safety aspects have been given special consideration by BASS Management.


  1. Following instructions to be strictly complied with:-



  1. Students to come in neat and clean casual dress and carry separate clothes/costumes for swimming/water activities.
  2. Students to reach school premises at 08:30 am sharp and parents to please collect them at 04:30 pm.
  3. Any student failing to deposit the permission slip after given date will not be entertained later.
  4. Students to carry back packs and hats for safe/comfortable mobility along with their water bottle/lunch boxes.
  5. Students will be provided with lunch boxes however they may bring their own eatables items as well.
  6. Parents are requested to inform school of any medical illness/allergy/health issue to be kept in mind of your ward in advance to respective class teachers.
  7. It is prohibited to bring expensive belongings like mobiles or camera.


  1. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated please.

With Kind Regards,