Circular No. BASS-60/22-23                                                                                           Date: 3rd Feb, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardian, (السلام علیکم)

Subject: – Recreational Trip to PAF Museum on Saturday, 11th Feb, 2023-classes of OL-I to OL-III (A & B).

  1. 1. It is to inform our worthy parents that BASS Management has planned a recreational trip with all safety measures to PAF Museum on Saturday, 11th February, 2023 for the students of classes OL-I to OL-III (A & B). This trip would indeed be highly enjoyable and memorable for our young BASSians. All the students have shown keen interest/willingness to visit this place.
  1. This trip will cost Rs. 880/- to cater for lunch, transportation, rides etc. and the amount will be included in fee voucher of Mar, 2023. Security/safety aspects have been given special consideration by BASS Management. Parents to please fill up permission slip and return to the Class Teacher till Tue, 7th Feb, 2023.
  1. Parents and students to strictly follow the below given instructions:-
  1. Reach school premises at 08:00 m. sharp and to pick at 01:45 p.m. sharp. Any student reaching after reporting time will not be taken along.
  2. Wear neat, clean and proper casual dress along with caps.
  3. Carry back bags for safe/comfortable mobility along with their water bottles and some snacks. They will be provided with lunch box (including burger, French fries and pack of juice).
  4. Inform school of any medical illness/allergy/health issue to be kept in mind of your child in advance to respective class teachers.
  1. Your cooperation will highly be appreciated.

With Kind Regards,                                                                                                                                                            Principal (OL)                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Syed Junaid Ali)

Permission Slip

I, Parent/Guardian of ________                             class OL ___  _allow my ward to go on Recreational Trip to PAF Museum on Saturday, 11th Feb, 2023 with school trip.

Yes                                                         No

Parent’s name: ________________________              Contact No._________________                              Signature___________

Note: Please tear off the permission slip and return it to the Class Teacher till Tuesday, 7th Feb, 2023.