Circular No. 17/23-24 Date: 13 th Sep, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: Recreational Trip to McDonald – Mon. 25 th & Tue 26 th Sep, 2023 – Class Play Group.
1. We are delighted to arrange a recreational trip with all safety measures to McDonald located at M.M. Alam road near Check
post No.6, Malir Cantt for Play Group (Section A to D) on Mon 25 th Sep, 2023 and Play Group (Section E to H) on Tue.
26 th Sep, 2023. This trip would indeed be highly enjoyable & memorable for our BASSians.
2. Following instructions to be strictly complied with:-
a. Students must reach to school at 08:45 am. sharp and parents /van drivers to please collect them at 12:30 pm.
b. Any student not reaching in time or not able to submit willingness before due date will not be taken along. Wearing of
school ID card is Must.
c. Any parent not willing to send their ward on trip may take off on respective day from school as all teaching/non-
teaching staff would be busy due to trip.
3. Trip charges will be Rs. 800/- to cater for McDonald meal, transportation & magic show etc, and the amount will be
in fee voucher of Oct 2023. Any student failing to submit the permission slip till Mon. 18 th Sep will not be taken along to trip.
4. We wish a very happy & safe trip to our Montessorian. Indeed, your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated.
With Kind Regards,
Head Mistress (ME)
(Mrs. Samina Ishrat)
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