Circular No. 15/22-23 Date: 14 th Sep, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: Precautionary Measures against Dengue (NS.1).
1. As you are all aware of the sudden increase/upheaval in Dengue (N.S1) reported cases in the city after
the heavy unprecedented rainfall and hospitals’ Corona wards have been changed into Dengue wards.
2. The school is doing spray on daily basis to ensure that there are no mosquitoes with in school
premises. Parents are also requested to take all the precautions against spreading of Dengue or Malaria etc.
Parents to send their ward(s) in clothes/dresses that cover the whole body to avoid mosquito bites. It is
observed that many of the students are getting sick/absent due to fever and poor health condition etc. Let’s
join our hands to keep our loving BASSians Safe & Healthy and well protected against such viral diseases.
3. Forwarded for your kind cooperation and necessary action please.
With Kind Regards,
Head Mistress (ME)
(Mrs. Samina Ishrat)
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