Circular No. 16/23-24 Date: 11 th _Sep, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: “My Favourite Toy” – Tuesday 19 th September, 2023(Playgroup-Nursery)
1. It is to inform our worthy parents that ME management has arranged an interesting activity for our
montessorians of playgroup like My Favourite Toy. This event will give a chance to our young kids to show their
favourite toys to their fellows and share brief description as well.
2. In this activity students will learn sharing, socialization, gain confidence and also develop communication skills
speaking in front of class. Please ensure that the toy labeled with the name, class/section of your ward and avoid
sending very big toys that cannot be handled by students at their own. (All toys will be returned).
3. Your cooperation and participation will add maximum beauty and fun in the activity.
Note: Kindly avoid sending; toy knife, gun/water gun or any other toy that adds to noise level.

With Kind Regards,
Head Mistress (ME)
(Mrs. Samina Ishrat)