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Circular No: BASS- 01/21-22                                                            Date:  9th Aug, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians, (علیکم ملسلاا)

Subject: – Minimization of Educational Loss of Students through holding Online classes.

Further to our Circular No.BASS-114/20-21 dated 31st July, 2021.

  1. It is to inform our all worthy parents that corona pandemic’s fourth wave has very adversely affected Karachi Metropolis City and may persist for some more time. Our students have already availed more than one month holidays since last week of June 2021 due to one reason or other. Likewise, almost last whole session remained highly disrupted due to frequent closures of schools. This way our students’ studies have suffered a lot and we can’t afford to waste more time.
  2. Our teachers and students have already got fully tuned to online teaching and Zoom App has helped us a lot to minimize the educational loss of students in the obtaining corona pandemic environment.
  3. To engage our students with healthy activity and also to fulfil the desire of most parents/students i.e. to avoid any further students’ educational loss, our teachers will be starting with online classes w.e.f Tuesday, 10tAug, 2021. Detailed online classes’ timetable will be shared through WhatsApp groups.


  1. Your cooperation and whole hearted support will be highly appreciated, please.

With Kind Regards, Principal (OL)

(Syed Junaid Ali)