Internal Achievements MC

Our Commendable Performance in SSC-II (2018-19)

Our talented BASSians have proved their mettle in SSC-II Examination while achieving outstanding grades. 84 students appeared, 65 secured A-1 grade, 14 got A-grade. The highest marks achieved by Seerat Jamal (781/850) 92%. 23 students secured 85% and above and qualified for BASS Gold Medal as per BASS policy.

International Kangaroo Linguistic Contest IKLC 2018

Kangorurou Sans Forntieres and Innovative Learning (KSF-Pakistan) provide to school children for making efforts to work on refining their English skills. This year BASSains brought laurels to the school while securing 25 medals. 3 students got gold medal, 2 students got silver medal and 20 students got bronze medal along with gift. 48 students received 3 Star badges, 128 students got 2 Star badges, 67 students got 1 Star badge and 95 students got special ball point form IKLC organization. All the teachers and management who provided their support and prepare the students for this competition got acknowledged with cash prize by the management of BASS.

Outstanding Achievement in Computer Studies – 2018

Miss Hina Gulzar has set a new record nationwide while producing 97% subject average (Computer Studies) in SSC I Examination 2018. 45 Students appeared and 21 got 100/100 marks. She has been awarded with SA3 (Special Academic Achievement Award) Shield and cash acknowledgement for the complete session.

Excellent Academic Achievement in SSC-I Examination 2017-18

In SSC Part-I Annual Examination 2018 BASSians of Main Campus have achieved excellent result in SSC part-I, announced by (BSEK) on 20th November, 2018. 85 students appeared and 84 students achieved A-1 & A grades. Whereby 41 Students obtained 85% and above. The highest marks/percentage is (389/425) i.e. 91.5% achieved by Ameen Ahmed Ansari S/O Ayaz Ahmed Ansari.


BASS has produced commendable result in Cambridge Assessment International Education in all the appearing subjects with the distinctive performance in Urdu. Our students have performed well by achieving 27 A*, 136 A and 142 B grades.