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Circular No. BASS-13/23-24 Date: 23rd Aug, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians, (السلام علیکم)
Subject: – Conduct of Co-Curricular Activities.
- It is to share with our worthy parents that BASS gives lot of importance to physical fitness and co-curricular activities. These extra-curricular activities keep students energetic, motivated and in high-spirit for better academic performance. To make our BASSians physically fit and mentally strong, BASS is going to arrange Taekwondo, Gymnastic & Band classes as per schedule given below:-
Activity | Day | From |
Taekwondo | Saturday | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. |
Gymnastic | Saturday | 08:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Band Classes | Monday | 10:50 a.m. – 11:35 a.m. (Break Time) |
- If you desire that your ward(s) to participate in (Gymnastic/Taekwondo/Band classes), you may please fill consent slip given below and return to Class Teacher by Friday, 25th Aug, 2023.
- Interested students will be required to get specific sports uniform from respective instructors (Gymnastic & Taekwondo) on payment which will be mandatory to be worn during in chosen physical activity.
With Kind Regards,
Principal (OL)
(Syed Junaid Ali)
Willingness Slip
I, ______________________ parent/guardian of ____________________students of class _______ allow my ward to participate in (Please tick any one). Gymnastic Taekwondo Band
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Contact No: ____________
Note:– Please tear off the willingness slip and return to the respective Class teacher.
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